Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Magic's in the Learnin'

Can't we all just get along? I prefer to go through my adult life without a label. The closest I've come is to say I'm 'ish which to me only means under the influence, but able to choose. Anyhow, I like this song. This current experiment in pluralism has had interesting results. We've had back-to-the-dark-ages fundamentalism rise up, but I hope also more open-minded and open-hearted humans looking around to see what's really up.

Didja notice the snow this morning? Right on! I can't wait to get me a pair of snowshoes and head for the hills during my upcoming two weeks off. Get me to some trees! But the snow today feels mighty nice. It hushes everything down, covers up holes and weedy looking wounds. It encourages that urge to hibernate, which is only natural this time of year. Yes, the Solstice bells will ring, but we still have at least 'til Groundhog Day to hang out in our burrows, tidy up our inner lives, and live off the fat we'll store up over the holidays.

Have a good one, friends. I lied when I said I only write for myself. I write to be read--for readers. I'm grateful if you'll listen to me even if you don't share my worldview, and even if the thoughts end up on the page a little unpolished. I'll even return the favor.  Ain't it fine that only pumpkin pies are burning this time of year?

1 comment:

  1. You're description of how the snow hushes everything down... made me think of the time I rode up the Ski Lift with a ten year old young lady who hung on for dear life as we crossed the deep gully a hundred feet below, and between the creaking of the rollers on each pole, I would have her listen for the sound of snowflakes crashing into the white blanket below us...and as she listened, she heard them floating past us in the silence of the mountain shadows toward the earth, and forgot her fear. Shhhhh, listen, can you hear them land?
