Monday, December 13, 2010

Comfort and Joy

How about a little Annie Lennox today? Voice, presence, soul--she's got it. I love this clip for its near perfect blending of Christmas and Pagan traditions. Jesus' birth, traveling minstrels, kneeling before angels with an ecstatic expression, openly accepting those glad tidings of comfort and joy, the Holly King and sun symbols, too.  I have nothing more to say than just enjoy the carol. It's a fine performance.

Oh, and as predicted, yesterday's plans were a little too elaborately conceived. The day had its own ideas how to unfold, and honestly, those ideas were better than my projections. I'm happy today and think I'll find it easier to keep my plans to skeleton outlines of intentions and allow myself to be open to surprise and the unexpected.


  1. I bought this album when it came out a few weeks ago and burned a copy for my mom- we both love it, it's so good!

  2. Nice! I've listened to a few others. She's great and breathes new life into old tunes.
