Saturday, December 11, 2010

I Am Dreaming

I show up to write, but where's the writing? And where's the snow for that matter? Forecast says 30% chance today. Let's see if Bob Marley and the Wailers can bring it down. Maybe they can bring down some inspiration for this blog while they're at it.

It seems I write a lot about accepting life as it is, and I focus on flaws, imperfections, and confess to many of my so-called failings. This is because I think any other philosophy or spiritual teaching that promises freedom from these things is bullshit. However, I need to add today that at my very core, I am happier every day than I ever was when I tried to believe in things.  There is joy and beauty always.  And yeah, frustrations, anger, sorrow. The difference in my life before and my life now is that it is about experience rather than faith. I've said it before and I'll say it again, it's simply about paying attention. Not that I always do (another imperfection), but there you go.

You've all heard the well-known Buddhist story about the man being chased by the tiger. No? Come on, the one where he runs and runs to get away and ends up jumping over a cliff? Well, imagine that below the cliff are jagged rocks and certain death, but the man manages to grasp a root and hang on. Exciting right? There must be hope. So up above the man is the hungry, pacing tiger. It's not going anywhere soon. Below him, certain, pointy death. The root he clings to begins pulling out of the earth, and his grip won't last forever. No way out, right? Hopeless. Then the man looks around and sees a strawberry plant growing improbably, beautifully out of the side of the cliff, and it has produced a glorious, red, ripe strawberry. What does the man do? He reaches with his free hand, plucks the berry from the vine, and savors its juicy sweetness. I always imagine the juice running down his chin and he doesn't bother to wipe it away. I love this story. It's the kind that I think would be relevant in any circumstance.

It is in the spirit of this story, and inspired by Bob Marley improbably singing about Christmases NOT like the ones he used to know, that I wish you all a red, ripe, juicy Yuletide season.

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