Sunday, October 24, 2010

What Would They Do if I Sang Out of Tune?

Quick post tonight. I'm back from a most rejuvenating long weekend in Moab with nine other women who have been my friends these past ten years. Call me lucky, blessed or whatever. If you don't have a set of YaYas, you need to get one. I laughed longer and heartier in these four days than I can remember in awhile. We practiced yoga in the ranch house living room during a rainstorm, followed by a hip-hop dance party, a wiggy photo session, hot-tubbing, hiking and hours and hours of gab. It's hard to believe that after ten years we still surprise each other with our stories. Pinot Noir helps. We cook for each other, taking care. There is no master plan. We don't all participate in every excursion. Want privacy? You got it. There's an organic cohesion. We are none of us two peas in a pod. This is what I love.

Relationships. Interesting things. As devastatingly unsophisticated and uncynical as this may sound, I'm grateful for them all--for the foils they present to my own sense of self. For the chance to see the other in others. I'm home and happy to see the faces of my family, content to think of all the friends I've known. I might even be grateful for those who've made me say on other occasions that hell is other people. Maybe that's pressing it. Still, I'll not look this gift horse of a weekend in the mouth. Why not sleep well tonight?


  1. Would they stand up and walk out on you?.......I doubt it. They'd lend you their ears and you'd sing them a song and you'd try to sing out of key...Oh you'll get by with a little help from your friends...

  2. and you'd try NOT to sing out of key...sheesh talk about missing a KEY word.
